yesterday was birthday time

Sorry for not posting again, but I'm so lazy and I don't know why... But last weekend I was with my grandparents and my mum in Salzburg, Austria. The roots of my grandpa are there, so we met some family  and he also told me a lot about his past.  It was so nice to see how he loved it to be there.
Yesterday was my Birtday and it was a lot of fun. I didn't get that much, because California was already a present and it was the best present I could get. Well, today I bought some stuff for school, because school starts next week and I already know what I need. So I thought it would be smart if I buy everything now. Also I have a little party tomorrow, well you can't call it a party, because just some close friends are coming and I wanted to make something like a "BBQ" or so...
So this picture is in front of the LA city hall and it was taken a few days after we arrived, because we made a LA City Tour and first it was just a Snapshot, but now I love it!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich :) Ich möchte auch gerne mal nach Kalifornien reisen!
    Liebe Grüße Kristina

  2. Du bist wirklich sehr hübsch!
    Liebe Grüße, Hana
